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Electronic Claims

ActivHealthCare - Chiropractic Managed Care

Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a transfer of data between two companies using the Internet. ActivHealthCare is offering this service for electronic claims processing to you through a partnership with Office Ally (OA).

Why Should You Consider EDI?

The benefits of EDI include:

  • Low monthly EDI fees.

  • No enrollment fees.

  • Cash flow will be improved with payments being received as quickly as 10 days from the date of filing.

  • After initial set-up, less time will be required from your office staff to process claims.

  • All claims may be transmitted to one location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Online access to claim status, history, and summary reports.

  • Online claims correction capability.

  • Reduced costs for postage, printer cartridges, and claim forms.

  • Improved accuracy in claims processing.

  • Decrease in rejection rate.


To file claims electronically, you will only need a computer with Internet service. While computerized claims processing software is desirable, it is not required.

Enrollment is easy.

Complete the enrollment paperwork and mail the original, signed enrollment forms to:

  • Attn: EDI
    1926 Northlake Parkway, Suite 100
    Tucker, GA 30084



Your claims will not be processed properly unless your enrollment paperwork is mailed directly to ActivHealthCare.

Allow up to 30 days for enrollment. Please be sure to download and review the EDI documentation on the website before processing AHC claims. Once your enrollment is processed, OA will contact you by email with a username and password. OA will provide technical support in addition to training on how to upload claims. ActivHealthCare will work with OA and you during the start-up phase.


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